New Mac Setup Script
I’ve been thinking about how to automate the process of making a new mac feel at home for me. So I’ve customized a script that does exactly that!
Ableton Desktop Backgrounds

Here are some desktop backgrounds that I made. Feel free to use them as you wish.
This is a part of the series “Henry is getting ready for Olavstoppen”. You can find the other posts by following the tag “Getting Ready 4 OT”.
To learn React I have been following this React course by Wes Bos. And the following is mostly my notes and ramblings trying to digest it.
React is, according to, “A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.”
Creating our first Component Writing HTML with JSX Linking up your CSS-file Passing dynamic data with Props Routing with React Router Helper functions Events, Refs and this Binding Events Ref and Binding Rule number 1: Don’t touch the DOM.
Getting ready for Olavstoppen
I start in my new job at Olavstoppen the 1st of April. Yesterday I got an email with some more information on what technology I will be using: React, React-Native and Redux.
I have some knowledge with React from one small project in class ( and some tinkering on my own ), but I can’t say that I’m a pro. Not yet at least.
My goal is to (1.) be efficient in writing code in React, then (2.
Chordpro brukes når man vil ha nøyaktig plassering av akkorder i tekst-dokumentet, og ha mulighet til å transponere når som helst.
Chordro er bare vanlige .txt-filer, men man kan generere (blant annet) pdf ut av det.
App-er? Det er mange programmer som støtter å vise chordpro-notering.
Installasjon Se for hjelp til installasjon.
Dersom du har Mac kan du installere Chordpro Cli-programmet ved å skrive sudo /usr/bin/cpan chordpro i terminalen din.